You’ve Found Your Superstars and They ROCK!

Recruitment - better


Retaining Talent

You’ve found your superstars and they rock. They’re the right fit for their job; the right fit for your organization; and you secretly hate them because they’re so perfect. But then you read the studies that state “21 million Americans will change jobs in 2012.”* You want to believe that your superstars don’t fall into that category… but do you know that? Aside from handcuffing them to their chairs (not recommended at all!), what can you do to keep your valued employees? Continue reading

Why More And More Employers Use Psychometric Assessments

psychometric assessment uniqueWith the influx of college graduates and experienced workers flooding the job market, employers have to look at new methods for effectively evaluating and examining applicants for potential careers within a company. The most fashionable of these methods is called psychometric assessments. This type of testing measures an individual’s personality and ability to find the most suitable person for a particular occupation. This assessment tool can also be used to do the opposite and find the most compatible career for a particular individual. Employers can find this process most useful for recent graduates and for people who have recently made a career change.

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