How Do YOU Sort Your Job Applications Into The ‘NO’ Pile?

In a traditional paper intensive hiring practice, you may receive hundreds of applications and resumes for ONE job posting! I can remember after holding a day long Job Fair for a Call Center I would sit at my desk with the immense PILE of applications and began the ‘sorting process’.  Anything we could think of as a way of saying NOPE – that one goes into the NO Pile!!

Are you sorting your employment applications into the ‘NO’ pile based on spelling errors, grammatical errors, or other mistakes?

Do you spend time reading the resumes only to find at the bottom of the page they don’t have the required experience of skills?

Are you reviewing resumes that are three pages long (or longer) and so full of ‘stuff’ that it makes you say “Get to the point already”?


Would you rather sort the applications on whether the applicant values honesty and integrity?


Or the person desires to be of service and support to others – who wants to be the Director of First Impressions?

Or even the person who is dependable, punctual and will fulfill the requirements of the job?

How about sorting the stack of resumes based on who is positive even in the face of difficulties and challenges and is a problem solver?

Are you looking for someone who brings high energy and enthusiasm to work, wants to be highly productive and is DRIVEN to do quality?


Our pre-employment assessment tool, TargetSketch™ makes it easy to filter out the highly qualified candidates based on their intrinsic qualities without touching paper or spending any of YOUR time.

Candidates apply online 24/7, and you get an easy-to-use report that provides a predictive indicator of the candidates “FIT” for the position.

This state of the art enhancement to your hiring system will lower turnover, improve employee productivity, increase profits and reduce costs.


Click Here Now For More Information